Hand cutting: from the rag to the garment in being

Il taglio a mano è sicuramente una delle fasi delicate e fondamentali per la buona riuscita di un capo.  Il tagliatore da ogni pezza ricava un quadrato 50×50 assegnando lo stesso codice alla pezza ed al quadrato, poiché il rientro dopo il lavaggio deve essere calcolato per ogni pezza, poiché esse non possono aver effettuato … Read more

Celebrities wear Shaft

Celebrities wear Shaft

Shaft è la prova che la tradizione può essere reinventata, senza mai perdere la sua anima. Da sempre, le celebrities hanno scelto di indossare i nostri capi, non solo per l’innegabile fascino del vintage rock che ci contraddistingue, ma perché sentono una profonda connessione con l’anima del nostro brand. Siamo un ponte tra passato e … Read more

Bottone iconico Shaft

Shaft iconic button

The iconic Shaft button, shaped like a flower, is our main distinguishing symbol, synonymous with craftsmanship, quality and Made in Italy. The flower button was first adopted for Shaft Jeans collections in the 1970s by the brand's previous French owner, and we have been reintroducing it for about ten years now, ... Read more


The creation of all our garments begins with an idea that, to be realized, requires lengthy planning. The hub of this creative journey is our Prototyping Department. That department serves as the crucial link between design and production. Prototyping starts with sketches from the design department and translates them into tangible, wearable pieces ... Read more

Special craftmanships: Matelassé

Matelassé, termine francese che significa “trapuntato” o “imbottito”, è una straordinaria tecnica tessile nota per la sua eleganza, comfort e raffinatezza. Il matelassé nasce in Francia a metà del XVIII secolo durante il regno di Luigi XVI, dove veniva utilizzato prevalentemente nella produzione di coperte e tappezzerie. La sua estetica unica ha guadagnato rapidamente importanza … Read more

Special Craftmanships: Flocking

In Shaft Jeans for three generations we have dedicated great attention and care to the research and development of new materials and special processes to embellish and make our garments unique. We use top quality artisan craftmanships in collaboration with expert Italian companies in the sector. One of these is FLOCKING, a decorative technique in … Read more

Color Harmony: To Each His Own Color

Colori freddi o caldi, scuri o chiari: non tutte le tonalità sono adatte a noi; alcuni esaltano la nostra figura e altri la penalizzano. Per capire quali sono i colori migliori per te, dobbiamo affidarci all’armonia del colore, ovvero allo studio dei colori che ci danno di più. Ognuno di noi, secondo la nostra carnagione, … Read more

Fabrics And Summer Heat: Which One To Choose

Ormai è arrivata l’estate, e con essa, oltre alle belle giornate da trascorrere all’aria aperta, è arrivato il caldo torrido. Scopriamo come affrontarlo con tessuti di gusto. Cotone: il re dei tessuti Uno dei tessuti più usati al mondo è sicuramente il cotone. Tessuto versatile e confortevole, è adatto alla stagione estiva perché traspirante e … Read more

Natural Dyes: How Tricolor Dyes Were Obtained In The Past

Per l’Italia quest’anno, e più in particolare questa settimana, è stato molto importante. Per onorare anche la vittoria degli Azzurri, abbiamo deciso di ripercorrere la storia dei colori della nostra bandiera (verde, bianco e rosso) ma in chiave fashion. Verde Simbolo di speranza, questo colore, essendo un colore secondario, in passato come oggi veniva ottenuto … Read more

Indigo: The Dyeing of Jeans

Quando si parla di “blue jeans” oggi, ognuno di noi ha un’idea precisa di quale colore ci riferiamo. Ormai questo è un vero e proprio colore iconico, come il “verde menta” o il “blu cielo”. Non tutti conoscono la storia dietro questo colore: infatti i jeans, essendo di cotone, sarebbero bianchi; il classico colore blu … Read more

Cotton: History And Processing

The history of cotton goes back thousands of years. The first signs of its presence date back to 9000 years ago. It was in that remote period that the first seeds of the plant were found in the Indus valley. It is a plant found on many continents, including America, where the Maya, the Aztecs … Read more

Denim Day

Denim Day

Violence against women is today one of the hottest issues on which we must clash and focus our attention. Denim Day was born with the intention of fighting so that this cruel gesture can become a distant memory. How it was born The initiative was born as a sign of protest against a sentence of … Read more

Sustainable Denim: How To Fight Pollution And Fast Fashion

The world of fashion is not always eco-sustainable: very often, in fact, thousands of liters of water and chemical dyes rich in heavy metals are used to produce an item of clothing. Moreover, these forms of pollution are accompanied by a waste of clothing: we are talking about fast fashion, or “disposable” garments. Despite this, … Read more

Chinos Model: From Origins To Fashion Garments

Today it is one of the trendy models in both the male and female wardrobe, but the origins of this model are so far from fashion world: we are talking about the Chinos model, a real must in the wardrobe of fashion lovers. The origins The origins of this model are very distant from the … Read more

donne e pantaloni

Women And Pants: a Struggle For Gender Equality

Although today trousers are an extremely popular item of clothing in the women’s wardrobe, for many centuries, it was considered scandalous to wear them. Let’s retrace the story of how women, after many struggles and courage fights, were able to freely wear this garment. The birth of trousers The first forms of trousers date back … Read more

Denim: All Types

La moda non è un argomento sulla bocca di tutti, ma non c’è dubbio che la maggior parte delle persone (se non tutte) conosca il Denim, il tessuto di cui sono fatti i jeans. Nonostante ciò, poche persone sanno come è composta questa fibra, e soprattutto le varianti che la caratterizzano. Vediamoli insieme. Caratteristiche del … Read more


Body Shape: Which Jeans Is Best For You

Apple, pear, hourglass and rectangle: these are the main shapes that our body can have and that can influence the way we dress. In fact, each shape has its strengths. Let’s see which pants are best suited to our physicality. The right pant for your body shape Reverse triangle-shaped pants Characterized by a poorly marked … Read more


Organic Denim: This Is How Fashion Can Be Sustainable

There are more and more clothing brands that focus on sustainability. Eco-sustainable fashion is becoming increasingly popular even in retail stores, enjoying enormous success even with consumers who previously did not care about similar issues. Each one in its own way strives to pollute less and less and, at the same time, to offer consumers … Read more

How To Recognize Quality Denim: Here’S What You Have To Know

Those who are not experts in the sector might think that the price or the brand make a quality jeans, but this is not the case. The value of the denim fabric is given by some characteristics that are generally found on the label: the quality of the fabric, the weight, the type of dye … Read more

Size Guide: Tips To Find Out The Right Size For You

Online shopping is increasingly popular and appreciated by fashion lovers. It is no secret that most stores have a larger amount of stock online than at their physical locations, and search buttons make it even easier to find the products that you want in a minimal amount of time. In addition, e-commerces very often offer … Read more


How To Wash Denim: Tips To Avoid Damages

We all love denim pants, and each of us has a favorite pair of jeans that we wish it would last forever. Think of the skinny jeans you bought a few years ago, or the ripped jeans that you love so much. So how to wash denim without damaging it? Here are the rules to … Read more

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