Within 14 days of delivery, you can return your item (in the same condition in which you received it, with all tags still attached and in the original packaging. Products belonging to the same order must be returned together, in a single packaging). Remember: the return is free.


  • Write an email to with the return request.
  • We will reply with a confirmation email.
  • We will book a BRT courier pickup on the customer's desired day.
  • The products must be returned in their original packaging, which must be complete in all its parts, including packaging and waybill document.
  • After the products arrive at our warehouse we verify their integrity. Therefore we proceed with the fully refund (refund will be processed using the same means of payment as the customer).
  •  The products must be returned via the forwarder to the following address: Manifatture Twins srl Via Gattinella 35 – Loc. Capalle, 50013 Campi Bisenzio, Firenze, Italia (Italia)..
  • Refunds will be processed without undue delay and in any case within 14 days from the day on which the customer communicated the return from the contract. This deadline will be met if the products are returned before the 14 days period has expired.
  • In particular, before returning the products, the customer is required to verify that the products in relation to which the right of withdrawal has been exercised are in a normal state of conservation, still in their original packaging and intact (including packaging and documentation of accompaniment).
  • In accordance with the law in force, the customer will be liable for any reduced value of the products. Where the products are returned in poor condition or are damaged, used, worn or otherwise altered or manipulated beyond the strictly necessary measure, Manifatture Twins srl will have the right to withhold, from the total amount to be reimbursed, an amount equal to cost of reconditioning the Products subject to a maximum amount equal to their total value.
  • Per qualsiasi chiarimento, scrivere a oppure chiamare il numero +390558969023.


Within 14 days after delivery you can return your item yourself, in the same condition in which you received it, with all labels still attached and in the original packaging. Products belonging to the same order must be returned together, in a single package. The custom charges, duties and trasportation cost are client responsibility. Refunds will only be made for the cost of the items ordered, not for the return and customs shipping costs.


  • Write an email to with the return request.
  • Risponderemo con una mail di conferma e con l’indirizzo per il reso.
  • Print out the necessary documents and hand them over to the courier.
  • Quando i prodotti arrivano al nostro magazzino ne verifichiamo l’integrità. Quindi procediamo con il rimborso completo (il rimborso verrà elaborato utilizzando lo stesso mezzo di pagamento del cliente).
  • The products must be returned in their original packaging, which must be complete in all its parts, including packaging and accompanying commercial invoice.
  • The products must be returned via the forwarder to the following address: Manifatture Twins srl Via Gattinella 35 – Loc. Capalle, 50013 Campi Bisenzio, Florence, Italy.
  • Refunds will be processed without undue delay and in any case within 14 days from the day on which the customer communicated the return from the contract. This deadline will be met if the products are returned before the 14 days period has expired.
  • Exception for countries with customs from Italy: customs charges and transportation costs are the responsibility of the customer.
  • In particular, before returning the products, the customer is required to verify that the products in relation to which the right of withdrawal has been exercised are in a normal state of conservation, still in their original packaging and intact (including packaging and documentation of accompaniment).
  • In conformità con la legge in vigore, il cliente sarà responsabile dell’eventuale diminuzione del valore dei prodotti. Qualora i prodotti siano restituiti in cattive condizioni o risultino danneggiati, usati, indossati o comunque alterati o manipolati oltre la misura strettamente necessaria, Manifatture Twins srl avrà facoltà di trattenere, dall’importo totale da rimborsare, un importo pari al costo di ricondizionamento dei Prodotti fino ad un importo massimo pari al loro valore totale.
  • Per qualsiasi chiarimento, scrivi a o chiama +390558969023
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