Celebrities wear Shaft

Celebrities wear Shaft

Shaft è la prova che la tradizione può essere reinventata, senza mai perdere la sua anima. Da sempre, le celebrities hanno scelto di indossare i nostri capi, non solo per l’innegabile fascino del vintage rock che ci contraddistingue, ma perché sentono una profonda connessione con l’anima del nostro brand. Siamo un ponte tra passato e … Read more

Bottone iconico Shaft

Shaft iconic button

The iconic Shaft button, shaped like a flower, is our main distinguishing symbol, synonymous with craftsmanship, quality and Made in Italy. The flower button was first adopted for Shaft Jeans collections in the 1970s by the brand's previous French owner, and we have been reintroducing it for about ten years now, ... Read more


The creation of all our garments begins with an idea that, to be realized, requires lengthy planning. The hub of this creative journey is our Prototyping Department. That department serves as the crucial link between design and production. Prototyping starts with sketches from the design department and translates them into tangible, wearable pieces ... Read more

Special craftmanships: Matelassé

Matelassé, termine francese che significa “trapuntato” o “imbottito”, è una straordinaria tecnica tessile nota per la sua eleganza, comfort e raffinatezza. Il matelassé nasce in Francia a metà del XVIII secolo durante il regno di Luigi XVI, dove veniva utilizzato prevalentemente nella produzione di coperte e tappezzerie. La sua estetica unica ha guadagnato rapidamente importanza … Read more

Shaft Jeans, will you marry me?

Shaft Jeans, will you marry me?

Hi Denim Lover, are you wondering why a plane just passed by your favorite beach? You are in the right place. Shaft Jeans, the premium denim brand made in Italy, shoots the new “Love story” campaign on the Tuscan beaches. For the occasion, on July 23rd an airplane dating back to the period of greatest inspiration for the … Read more

Size guide: how to find the right size for your online shopping

Per continuare a migliorare l’esperienza utente sul nostro sito Web, abbiamo lanciato la nostra nuova pagina Guida alle Taglie. Questa novità mira a rendere lo shopping online più piacevole, approfondito e personalizzato rispetto a prima, riducendo al minimo l’incertezza nella scelta della taglia. Trovare la taglia giusta è sempre stata una sfida nel mondo dello … Read more

Iconic Fits: Lola

Fashion changes, icons remain Every season Shaft Jeans offers a vast collection of garments, made up of new items and classics that have now become icons of the brand. One of the most iconic models is the Lola. Lola is a mid-rise bootcut jean with the classic 5 pockets, double stitching and metal button. … Read more

Special Craftmanships: Flocking

In Shaft Jeans for three generations we have dedicated great attention and care to the research and development of new materials and special processes to embellish and make our garments unique. We use top quality artisan craftmanships in collaboration with expert Italian companies in the sector. One of these is FLOCKING, a decorative technique in … Read more

Shaft Jeans

Historic denim brand, Shaft Jeans was born in Montpellier in the 1960s and was acquired in May 2004 by the Florentine entrepreneur Francesca Bacci. Francesca Bacci had already over 20 years of experience in the family business, which for decades had been producing clothing made with American denim directly imported from Cone Mills (at the … Read more

belmondo actor

Belmondo: a Fashion Actor

Heartbreaker of the Seventies, Jean Paul Belmondo left us some days ago. He was one of the most iconc actor of the movement called “Nouvelle Vague”: realism, challnge and novelties are the main characteristcs of this way of act. In particular, in the famous film “A’ bout de souffle” he challeged any cinema’s rules looking … Read more

Color Harmony: To Each His Own Color

Colori freddi o caldi, scuri o chiari: non tutte le tonalità sono adatte a noi; alcuni esaltano la nostra figura e altri la penalizzano. Per capire quali sono i colori migliori per te, dobbiamo affidarci all’armonia del colore, ovvero allo studio dei colori che ci danno di più. Ognuno di noi, secondo la nostra carnagione, … Read more

jane birkin

Jane Birkin: Icon Of 70s Style

Actress, singer and british director french naturalized, Jane Birkin was one of the muses of the 70s fashion world. Let’s go back some of her iconic look. The most iconic look: flared jeans and t-shirt Classic seventies look, flared jeans paired with a simple t-shirt was a must-have for Jane. Of course, the cropped sweater … Read more

Fabrics And Summer Heat: Which One To Choose

Ormai è arrivata l’estate, e con essa, oltre alle belle giornate da trascorrere all’aria aperta, è arrivato il caldo torrido. Scopriamo come affrontarlo con tessuti di gusto. Cotone: il re dei tessuti Uno dei tessuti più usati al mondo è sicuramente il cotone. Tessuto versatile e confortevole, è adatto alla stagione estiva perché traspirante e … Read more

Natural Dyes: How Tricolor Dyes Were Obtained In The Past

Per l’Italia quest’anno, e più in particolare questa settimana, è stato molto importante. Per onorare anche la vittoria degli Azzurri, abbiamo deciso di ripercorrere la storia dei colori della nostra bandiera (verde, bianco e rosso) ma in chiave fashion. Verde Simbolo di speranza, questo colore, essendo un colore secondario, in passato come oggi veniva ottenuto … Read more

Raffaella Carrà: Icon of Music and Style

Showgirl, dancer and singer, Raffaella Carrà, who sadly left us on July 5, was a true icon in the panorama of the Italian show business. His way of doing things and her style were not only iconic but also revolutionary. Navel exposed It was in 1969 that, as presenter of Canzonissima alongside Corrado, Raffaella appeared … Read more


The History of Shorts

Sebbene possano sembrare un’invenzione recente, i pantaloncini sono nati alla fine del XIX secolo. Inizialmente venivano usati come indumento per le divise degli scolari; solo nel Novecento entrano a far parte del guardaroba degli adulti. La loro evoluzione La prima donna a indossare i pantaloncini fu la tennista Alice Marble nel 1933. Questo evento fece … Read more

Indigo: The Dyeing of Jeans

Quando si parla di “blue jeans” oggi, ognuno di noi ha un’idea precisa di quale colore ci riferiamo. Ormai questo è un vero e proprio colore iconico, come il “verde menta” o il “blu cielo”. Non tutti conoscono la storia dietro questo colore: infatti i jeans, essendo di cotone, sarebbero bianchi; il classico colore blu … Read more

Friends: The Perfect Jeans For Each Character

One of the most popular television series, not only in the nineties, is definitely Friends. The series tells of the adventures (and misadventures) of six young friends from New York. Each of them has a very different personality from the others, and this is reflected in the way they dress. Let’s see which Shaft pants … Read more


Pants And Style: When Personality Meets Fashion

La moda è espressione della nostra personalità, dobbiamo assecondarla. Non è quindi certo che un capo che ci calza alla perfezione possa essere quello giusto per noi. Vediamo quali pantaloni indossare in base al nostro stile. Classico elegante Se, nonostante tu viva nel secolo della tecnologia e dell’innovazione, la tua più grande aspirazione è andare … Read more

Cotton: History And Processing

The history of cotton goes back thousands of years. The first signs of its presence date back to 9000 years ago. It was in that remote period that the first seeds of the plant were found in the Indus valley. It is a plant found on many continents, including America, where the Maya, the Aztecs … Read more

Shorts: The Most Suitable Models For Every Body Type

The heat is approaching, and with it the desire to uncover the legs. The undisputed protagonists of the summer season are therefore the shorts. There are different shapes, lengths and materials. Let’s see them together and understand which model is best suited to each body. 1. Bermuda When we want to wear shorts without sacrificing … Read more


Seventies: Fashion Against The Current

The Seventies were a very complex decade on a historical level. The Cold War brought a climate of economic and political uncertainty. At the same time it was the decade of some great social revolutions: it was on December 18, 1970 that the divorce law came into force. Furthermore, feminist protests and protests for equal … Read more

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