There are more and more clothing brands that focus on sustainability. Eco-sustainable fashion is becoming increasingly popular even in retail stores, enjoying enormous success even with consumers who previously did not care about similar issues.
Each one in its own way strives to pollute less and less and, at the same time, to offer consumers the same quality.
A company that looks to the future cannot fail to worry about the possible environmental impact. And so our organic denim garments represent the first of many steps to enter the world of sustainability.
What Does Organic Denim Consist of?
We talked about organic denim garments, but what is it specifically? What makes this type of fabric more eco-sustainable?
Organic Cotton
One of the first aspects that makes a pair of jeans more sustainable for the environment and for the human being is the use of organic cotton . This type of cotton differs from the traditional one under various aspects. In fact, in the cultivation of organic cotton no harmful substances are used such as pesticides, heavy metals, resins and solvents that resist on the fiber even after a long time. The land in which the cotton is grown is protected: it is not exploited to the maximum until it loses all its nutrients.
Organic cotton does not have many differences as a fabric compared to the traditional one; however it is of higher quality and softness with 20-30% less water consumption.
In addition to organic cotton, many companies are turning to recycled cotton for denim production. Santanderina, in Spain, produces garments with cotton waste fabrics, promoting a circular economy in the clothing sector and therefore less waste. In fact, the company announces that for the creation of the denim fabric they not only use fabric waste, with a significant saving of resources, but also sustainable processes to reduce waste and emissions, as well as eco-indigo, an ecological version of the classic dye that gives the blue color to denim. On their official website we find a section entirely dedicated to R/Denim, dove R sta per Recycling, Reuse and Reduction.
Eco-Sustainable Washing
In addition to the use of eco-sustainable cotton, organic denim differs in its washing, one of the preliminary stages of denim processing.
There are different washes that give different characteristics to the final product. For example, the stone wash tends to discolor the denim and give it that washed-out, vintage look.
It is estimated that the denim fabric manufacturing process consumes an average of 2500 liters of water, half a kilo of chemicals and a large amount of energy for each pair of jeans produced. Reducing the use of water and completely eliminating chemical additives from washing it makes this process more sustainable for the environment and for the people who wear the jeans.
We use three different washes and we call them: ECO 108, ECO 112 and RINSE. The concept is very simple: everything that can be harmful for the environment, such as chemical additives, is eliminated from the process and washing is carried out with only the controlled use of water.
Eco-sustainable not only means less waste, but also more focus on workers’ health. Certain processes of denim processing are extremely harmful to the health of workers as they inhale dust and chemicals. Processes such as sandblasting, for example, are dangerous because they are made with the sand that is inhaled by the worker.
Sustainability is an issue that affects not only the companies that sell clothing, but also those that provide the services. For example, in Italy a company called Soko Chimica, which produces chemical products for the clothing industry, is starting to focus on the search for eco-sustainable products and processes. An example is the BIOCLEAN SOKO wash based on sustainable products, which no longer involves workers in the process of spraying the oxidizing agents, used to fade denim. In this type of washing, potassium permanganate is completely eliminated, as well as other chemicals, and this positively affects the health of workers and the environment. In addition to washing, Soko also introduced spray application in closed systems for stone wash, reducing the use of water, energy, stones and negative impact on the environment.
Even more innovative is the SokoStone-Eco, the stone wash but in an ecological version. The use of water and stones is knocked down and in their place a technique is used that involves parameters such as temperature, humidity and time. The result is a vintage-looking denim with classic abrasions, soft and quality, with a saving of 96% water and 85% energy.
Green fashion in the future will no longer be just a trend, but a way of being. You too can do something to support the cause against waste and pollution: make your jeans more “green” by washing them only when really necessary, with cold water and organic detergents. And to be one step ahead, take a look at the organic denim garments on our shop.